
What to Do If Your Property Fails an EICR: A Guide by JJB Electrical your electrician in Waltham Cross

At JJB Electrical, our priority is the safety and well-being of our clients. In our previous blogs, we've discussed the importance of Electrical Installation Condition Reports (EICRs) in maintaining electrical safety standards. But what happens if your property fails an EICR? In this guide, we'll explore the steps to take and how JJB Electrical can assist you in addressing any issues.

Understanding the EICR Results

Firstly, it's essential to understand the findings of the EICR report. If your property fails an EICR, it means that one or more significant defects have been identified that pose a risk to safety or do not meet regulatory standards. These defects are classified based on their severity:

•    C1: Danger present, immediate remedial action required.
•    C2: Potentially dangerous, urgent remedial action required.
•    C3: Improvement recommended.

Don't Panic, Take Action

While failing an EICR might seem alarming, it's essential to remain calm and take proactive steps to address the identified issues. Ignoring the problems could lead to more significant safety risks and potential legal consequences. Here's what you should do:

  1. Review the EICR Report: Carefully go through the EICR report provided by your electrician. Understand the nature and severity of the identified defects.
  2. Consult with Professionals: Reach out to qualified electricians, such as JJB Electrical, to discuss the findings of the EICR report. Our experts can provide detailed insights into the necessary remedial actions and guide you through the process.
  3. Prioritize Safety: Address any immediate dangers flagged as C1 or C2 defects promptly. These could include exposed wiring, faulty sockets, or inadequate earthing. Your safety and the safety of occupants should be the top priority.
  4. Schedule Remedial Works: Work with your chosen electrical contractor to schedule remedial works to rectify the identified defects. Ensure that the necessary repairs and improvements are carried out by qualified professionals to meet safety standards.
  5. Reassessment and Certification: Once the remedial works are completed, schedule a follow-up EICR inspection to reassess the electrical installation. Upon successful reassessment, you'll receive a new EICR certificate confirming compliance with safety standards.

How JJB Electrical Can Help

Being your local electrician in the Waltham Cross area JJB Electrical understand the stress and uncertainty that can arise from a failed EICR. Our team of experienced electricians are here to provide expert guidance and support every step of the way. From identifying defects to carrying out remedial works, we're committed to ensuring the safety and compliance of your property.

Failing an EICR doesn't have to be a cause for panic. With prompt action and the assistance of qualified professionals like JJB Electrical, you can address the identified issues and ensure the safety of your property. Remember, prioritizing safety today can prevent accidents and liabilities tomorrow.

Has your Home in Waltham Cross Failed its EICR?

Ready to address the issues identified in your EICR report? Contact JJB Electrical today on 01992 276087 to schedule remedial works and ensure the safety and compliance of your property. Your safety is our priority.